Hi -
I'm having a problem with rtiddsspy and rtiadminconsole when I'm running on a remote machine trying to print sample information. The spy tool shows that the topic data is modified but does not print the sample contents. I'm using the -printSample option and also the -topicRegex option. It works fine when I run it on the machine that is publishing the sample. Spy gives this error when I start it:
rtiddsspy: ... topic and type MATCHED
rtiddsspy: Registering type... ice::NumericObservedValue
rtiddsspy: register_type error 4
rtiddsspy: using non dynamic data type instead
I'm having the same issue when I try to subscribe to a topic from rtiadminconsole. It gives an error that it is unable to subscribe to the topic because it does not have type information.
In my Qos profile for the publisher (and that I'm using with spy and admin console) I have the following partiicpant qos resource limits set:
Does anyone know if these tools are using the type code vs. type object and why this error is happening?
Thanks for any information,
Anne Fiore
Hi Anne,
Would you mind providing the IDL that you're using? If you don't want to post it here you could just email it to me (it's just my first name at rti dot com). Are all of your DDS components using version 5.2? I'd like to try to reproduce this issue here as I'm confused why it would work on the local machine but not on a remote machine. Are you tweaking the transport properties at all? For Admin Console, you shouldn't have to tweak the type settings. The out-of-the-box ones that I package should give the best compatibility in terms of maximizing the type information that can be received.
Hi Ken,
I ended up finding the issue: On the remote system I had a problem in the QOS file where the profile I was using did not inherit from the same profile that the writer was using. Once I inherited from the same profile as the writer I was able to see all the samples.
Thanks for the followup.