RTIDDSGEN Java Version Compatibility

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Jacob Henry's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 14 hours ago
Joined: 10/17/2017
Posts: 5
RTIDDSGEN Java Version Compatibility

As of RTI version 5.2.3, what is the minimum supported JRE that code generated via rtiddsgen.bat will support? I saw another question in the forums similar to this regarding Java 1.6 it said that by default rtiddgen.bat uses Java 1.4 to generate the code. After looking through %NDDSHOME%\resource\app\jre\i86Win32\bin I ran "java -version" on the java.exe included in that directory. It said that is was version 1.7. Can JRE versions 1.4-1.6 still run Java code generated via RTIDDSGEN using a .idl file? I was unable to find any information on this online. Any information on this will be benificial. 

Thank you.

ajimenez's picture
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
Joined: 09/29/2017
Posts: 21

Hi Jacob,
You are right, RTI Code Generator (5.2.3) is run with 1.7 Java version which is taken it from $NDDSHOME/resource/app/jre/<arch>

The code generated by RTI Code Generator (5.2.3) is tested using 1.7 Java version.
Also, you should be able to compile and run using versions 1.4 and above. Although I would recommend you to use 1.7 if possible.

Let me know if you have further questions.
