I am creating DefaultParticipantQOS in java its working well. Same code I called in .Net using JNI interportability ( there is no issue with JNI). But when i trace the default participant QOS bot output is diffrent
for example:
In Java Default QOS Trace
DiscoveryQosPolicy[enabled_transports=[], multicast_receive_addresses=[builtin.udpv4://], metatraffic_transport_priority=0, initial_peers=[builtin.udpv4://, builtin.udpv4://, builtin.shmem://],
in Dot Net with JNI
DiscoveryQosPolicy[enabled_transports=[], multicast_receive_addresses=[]
In below link its mentioned DomainParticipantQos is platform Specific
How can i run same code in Dot net.(Note: I didn't write code for .net to use DDS I siply preffered Java code in .NET using JNI.) Do I need to do a change in USER_QOS_PROFILE ??
I belive we should give some configuration for default QOS but dont know how to do which tags and property should i use with diffrent platform
Can you explain your note "Note: I didn't write code for .net to use DDS I siply preffered Java code in .NETusing JNI." Are you invoking the calls of the Connext DDS JNI library from .NET?
- Fernando
Hi Fernando,
Yes, I am invoking connext DDS through JNI. We have created wrapper for DDS which is implemented in java. This wrapper packed into jar file and this jar we are using in. Net.
When JNI invoke DomainParticipantFactory. CreateParticipant it throws an exception array is empty.
We observe that default participant qos is empty.
I am not sure it is happening because of user qos profile or not .
Thanks for reply!
Rohit k
Hi Rohit,
What API are you using in JNI to get the DefaultParticipantQOS?
- Fernando