I have tried to run the example for the hello_world_request_reply(C++) but it showed me the error message (shown below) on the command prompt. Can anyone advise on what I should do to correctly run the example?
Thanks in advance.
PrimeNumberReplier running (on domain 0)
Exception: connext::details::EntityUntypedImpl::initialize failure caused by EntityUntypedImpl::get_datawriter_qos:!get DataWriter qos
C:\Users\Jon\Documents\rti_workspace\6.0.0\my_examples\hello_world_request_reply (C++)\win32\..\.\objs\x64Win64VS2017\PrimeNumberReplier.exe (process 5936) exited with code -1.
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I have just run the same example (for a different architecture) successfully.
I think the issue might be that your working directory doesn't contain the USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml, if you try to run the same example with your current directory as rti_workspace/6.0.0/examples/connext_dds/c++/hello_world_request_reply (it looks like you've made a copy of the connext_dds directory and renamed it my_examples so you will need to adjust this path accordingly) do you get the same results?
As an experiment I ran the example from the src/ directory and reproduced your issue:
I have also run the orginal program which is in the same path as yours: (rti_workspace/6.0.0/examples/connext_dds/c++/hello_world_request_reply), however it gives me the same error message. Not sure if I run it the correct way but the steps is to
1. Open the project sln file
2. Retarget Solution (for C++)
3. Debug and run
PrimeNumberReplier running (on domain 0)
Exception: connext::details::EntityUntypedImpl::initialize failure caused by EntityUntypedImpl::get_datawriter_qos:!get DataWriter qos
C:\Users\Jon\Documents\rti_workspace\6.0.0\examples\connext_dds\c++\hello_world_request_reply\win32\..\.\objs\x64Win64VS2017\PrimeNumberReplier.exe (process 22264) exited with code -1.
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Press any key to close this window . . .
When you run from Visual Studio, you should set the current working directory in the project configuration to the base directory that contains the USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml file.