C# DDS project example running to unhandled exception

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Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: 11/03/2020
Posts: 22
C# DDS project example running to unhandled exception

I'm trying to run an example project created from an IDL.

I had this working last week, but now I don't know why it's having this unhelpful error.


I took a look at the code, and the problem is at this function below. The error seems to be hapening within the function, so I tried to find the implementation, and VS says there is none.


Am I building this right?

- Create IDL

- Generate project from IDL, C#

- Open solution and build

- Go to bin/etc... and run the subscriber exe

Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: 11/03/2020
Posts: 22

Running the C++ project answered my problem.


RTI Connext DDS EVAL License issued to company gmail.com For non-production use only.
License Has Expired on 07-Dec-2020
Please contact support@rti.com with any questions or comments.
Exception in subscriber_main(): Failed to create DomainParticipant


Nevermind telling me the license is experied when running the C# project. Just throw an unhandled exception