Can no longer compile idl on installation of Mac Sonoma

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Joined: 04/22/2019
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Can no longer compile idl on installation of Mac Sonoma

I was forced to upgrade to Mac Sonoma. Now when I try to run scripts to compile idl files, i get the following error:

ERROR com.rti.ndds.nddsgen.IDLPreprocessor xcode-select: note: No developer tools were found, requesting install. If developer tools are located at a non-default location on disk, use `sudo xcode-select --switch path/to/` to specify the Xcode that you wish to use for command line developer tools, and cancel the installation dialog.

I don't have on my machine (as far as I know). I guess I need to download a new version for this new OS?? The only downloads I see are for Ventura.

Please advise

Howard's picture
Last seen: 10 hours 1 min ago
Joined: 11/29/2012
Posts: 629

The rtiddsgen tool first invokes a precompiler (e.g., cpp) to preprocess the .idl file.  That is usually supplied by the compiler toolchain...which on MacOS is via XCode.

Since XCode also provides the CLang compiler, you normally will need XCode installed if you want to build software on your Mac pc...including anything that uses RTI Connext DDS.

If your .idl doesn't require preprocessing (i.e., you're not using any # macros in your .idl), then you can tell "rtiddsgen" not to invoke the preprocessor using the "rtiddsgen -ppdisable" command line argument.  This may get "rtiddsgen" to successfully generate code from your .idl.   But then you're stuck on the next step for actually compiling the source code until you get XCode installed.