I am experimenting with communication time by writing code to pub/sub video data. It is a study where two different PCs each become pub/sub and transmit and receive videos.
I am only transmitting and receiving one video and checking which qos parameter and which option are used to determine the communication time efficiency.
In rti, it is said that the following
Reliability / History / LatencyBudget / TransportPriority / Fragmentation
five parameters affect communication time, but I think parameters such as TransportPriority do not affect when transmitting only one video. Are there any parameters other than the above five that affect the time when transmitting one video?
So, Latency Budget isn't really used by anything that would effect network latency.
But Transport Priority might, if there network has other traffic being sent other than just DDS...even if you only have 1 video stream. Transport Priority maps to the DiffServ Code Points (DSCP) bits of an IP packet...which can be used by routers/switches to route packets of higher priority ahead of packets of lower priority....requires that your network hardware is enabled to work with DSCP bits.
Have you seen this example from rti.com: https://www.rti.com/developers/case-code/video-data-streaming
You can download the example, and take a look at the QOS settings used by that example as a starting point for your own.