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Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 07/19/2013
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no data available

I am setting up RTI Connext 5.  The examples do work.  I am trying to get a simple pub/subscribe to work with default QoS.  The Analyzer tool indicates a "match" and below is the Spy output ( note:  the data below is published over and over .. not included here ).

Does anyone know what else I can try to determine why the subscriber doesn't recv the data since it appears the data is being published based on the output below?

(Additionally I have polled for the data and no data is available).







source_timestamp   Info  Src HostId  topic               type                object GUID/Key                   

-----------------  ----  ----------  ------------------  ------------------  ----------------------------------- 

1374177138.098209  W +N  90DB3C49    AD_CHANNEL_REQ_ACK  AdChannelReqAck::t  90db3c49.00005e5a.00000001.80000003

                                ...  _TOPIC              sAdChannelReqAckMsg



1374177146.099358  d +M  90DB3C49    AD_CHANNEL_REQ_ACK  AdChannelReqAck::t

                                ...  _TOPIC              sAdChannelReqAckMsg



   mnMsgId: 0

   mnTimeOfTx: 261356466880


   mnChannelNumber: 4

   mbSuccessful: true


1374177145.582828  R +N  90DB3C49    AD_CHANNEL_REQ_ACK  AdChannelReqAck::t  90db3c49.00005e6e.00000001.80000004

                                ...  _TOPIC              sAdChannelReqAckMsg





Gerardo Pardo's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 day ago
Joined: 06/02/2010
Posts: 602


The output from rtiddsspy indeed shows that data is being published and is being received by the rtiddspy application.

Is rtiddsspy running on the same computer as the subscriber that is not receiving the data? If not, try it that way to see if it also receives it.

Is Analyzer reporting a match of the DataWriter with the DataReader in the subscriber as you said? I mean it is not a match with the DataReader in rtiddsspy? 

Have you changed any QoS? Specifically any transport properties on the Subscriber? Any content filters?

If the previous does not shed any light I would try startin with a simple subscriber application, just the one that rtiddsgen -example creates for the data-type you are using and just modify the TopicName and any QoS that are required for the match to occur and see if that works.  If so I would examine the code looking at the differeneces between the auto-generated DataReader/Listener and your application.


Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 07/19/2013
Posts: 3

Yes Pub/Sub and Spy are all running on the same machine.

I was not running Spy by itself when I saw the match between DataWriter & DataReader. 

No QoS changes.  Default for all on both sides.  No filters.




Gerardo Pardo's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 day ago
Joined: 06/02/2010
Posts: 602

This is very odd.  I cannot think of anything that could cause this short of some logic problem on the receiving application.

Would it be possible for you to upload a reproducer here? Just the simplest application that exhibits your behavior.
