Collaborate with RTI in your research. Come to RTI's HQ in California to do research!

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Gerardo Pardo's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 06/02/2010
Posts: 602
Collaborate with RTI in your research. Come to RTI's HQ in California to do research!


Are you doing Academic Research in Distributed Systems? Does your research require many computers or aplications to communicate over the network? Are you interested in Publish-Subscribe and Data Distribution Technologies? Secure middleware? Robust / Highly-Available Distributed Systems?

If the answer is yes, then RTI can help! As an academic member you get the RTI Data Distribution Service Professional Edition free of charge! But that is not all!! If you are looking for "hot" research areas or topics with broad insdustry and application appeal we can help with that! We interact with customers that develop leading-edge applications that push the edge of what the current technology can deliver. As a result we have a rooster of interesting research areas, problems and thesis topics that we are willing to share.   

If you decide to work on an area that is of interest to us there are further opportunities for collaboration:

  • You can collaborate directly with RTI's research staff. You will be working with some of the leading people in the field, the authors of the OMG DDS Standard, the DDS-RTPS Interoperability Protocol, DDS Extensible Type System, and several of the upcoming specifications on Real-Time SOA and Distributed System Security. Your work could very well become foundational to some of these new critical standards!
  • In addition you can do a Research Internship at  RTI's HQ in California. Each year RTI offers 2 or 3 Research Internships for a 6-9 month research stay. Each participant will work with an RTI mentor to craft a research project of mutual interest that can be leveraged in your academic work. You will get an office at RTI and work as a member of the research group with full access to the internal facilities and labs where you can develop the project with full access to RTI's help and expertise.  As part of the program RTI will also provide an stipend to cover your travel and livings costs and will help sponsor your Visa if you are an international student.


Interested in these opportunities? Contact
