Error when try the Hello_simple example

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Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
Joined: 06/07/2011
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Error when try the Hello_simple example

When I try the java example "Hello_simple ", I found this error :

And I also try the CPP example it's also had a similar error ,my OS is WIN2008R2

C:\Program Files (x86)\RTI\ndds.4.5d\example\JAVA\Hello_simple>runPub.cmd
RTI Data Distribution Service No source for License information
Please contact with any questions or comments.
Exception in thread "main" error creat
ing entity
        at Source)
known Source)
        at com.rti.simple.HelloPublisher.main(

Shaun's picture
Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
Joined: 08/14/2010
Posts: 2


Hi Mickey,


This appears to be a license issue.

Each time your RTI Data Distribution Service application starts, it will look for the license file in the following locations until it finds a valid license: 

1. In your application’s current working directory, in a file called rti_license.dat.
2. In the location specified in the environment variable RTI_LICENSE_FILE, which you may set to point to the full path of the license file, including the file-name (for example, C:\RTI\my_license_file.dat).
3. In the RTI Data Distribution Service installation, in the file ${NDDSHOME}/rti_license.dat.

If the license file cannot be found or the license has expired, your application will be unable to initialize RTI Data Distribution Service, depending on the terms of the license. If that is the case,your application’s call to DomainParticipantFactory.create_participant() will return null, preventing communication.  This is what you're observing.