This second example on Keyed Data shows how the Ownership QoS interacts with the registration, unregistration, and disposal of instance of multiple DataWriters. It also illustrates how the on_data_available callback on the DataReader can delegate to ther handlers based on instance state changes, and explains filtering mechanisms to read only certain keys.
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Built-in Topics allow us to access some relevant information about Connext DDS entities, such as the access to application specific data in discovery. This example shows how USER_DATA QoS for security during discovery phase.
13989 reads — 1 comment
This example shows the combined use of Content Filters with the Deadline QoS, which specifies the updates you expect for a particular instance within a given period of time.
7341 reads — 0 comments
In this example we illustrate how to use the Partition QoS, which provides a way to control which DataWriters will match—and thus communicate with—which Data Writers.
16156 reads — 0 comments
This example illustrate how to use keyed data. In particular, in this example a single DataWriter creates three instances differentiated by the field "code", which is the field used as key.
8917 reads — 0 comments
get_publishers() allows the application to access all the publishers the participant has.
5881 reads — 0 comments
Connext uses the discriminator field of the struct to decide what field in the struct is actually sent on the wire. In this example we illustrate how to access the discriminator of a Union using the Dynamic Data API.
10496 reads — 1 comment
This is a simple example that shows how to receive notifications about data becoming available using a StatusCondition. This is the most efficient way to use WaitSets to be notified that you have new data.
23505 reads — 0 comments
In RTI Connext DDS, you have the option to query for data that is already in the DataReader's queue using a QueryCondition object. This lets you retrieve data from the queue based on the values of one or more fields inside of that data.
7583 reads — 0 comments
This example illustrates how to use the RTI Pluggable Transport API. Our custom FILE transport uses regular files for communication, where each address/port maps to a file in the file-system.
12680 reads — 1 comment


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