Routing Service File Adapter


Adapters are pluggable components that allow RTI Routing Service to consume and produce data for different data domains (e.g., DDS, JMS, Socket, etc.).

By default, RTI Routing Service is distributed with a built-in DDS adapter. Any other adapter plugins must be provided as a set of Java classes registered within the <adapter_library> tag.

Input adapters are used to collect data samples from different data domains, such as Connext or JMS. The input samples are processed by the Routing Service engine and are passed along to custom transformations if they are defined. Finally, the transformed data is provided to the output adapters. The adapter plugin API is used to create new adapters; it is supported in C and Java.

Routing Service Adapter

Example Description

This example shows how to create a simple adapter using the RTI Routing Service Adapter SDK. The adapter scans the file system in one specific folder defined in the XML configuration file. For every file present in that folder, it creates a stream to communicate with the output. The data that will flow in this stream are the lines inside the files.

In summary, we have a stream for every file in the specified folder, and every stream transport on the other side the text lines contained inside the specific file. In the output, the adapter will take care of creating a file for every stream received. The files will be created on a specific path, which you can also configure in the XML configuration file.

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