We are using DDS 5.3.0 and DDS 4.2e with large messages.
In this instance we need to be able to send and receive data between applications built with DDS 4.2e / VS2003 on x86, and applications built with DDS 5.3.0 / VS2015 on x64.
I have taken the HelloWorld example, and used it to explore any issues which could occur first.
What I have found is that the C++, modern C++, and DDS 4.2e test applications are quite happy to exchange data between them with no problems seen. The C++/CLI and C# test applications are happy to exchange data between them with no problems seen. However there seems to be an issue exchanging data between the C++ / Modern C++ / DDS 4.2e test applications and the C++/CLI and C# test applications.
The IDL file contents are:
const long HELLODDS_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 131072;
enum Reference
struct HelloWorld
long sampleId;
sequence<octet, HELLODDS_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE> payload;
double value;
Reference the_datum;
unsigned long checksum;
When sent by the C++/CLI or C# application to the other test applications:
- The payload is the right size and the contents appear to be correctly transferred;
- The double value does not seem to be decoded properly in the C++ and Modern C++ applications – it looks like the value has not been deserialized properly, or the buffers are not aligned properly – it seems to effectively be a random small number approximately equal to e-314;
- The enumeration value is always zero / the first value;
- The checksum is always zero;
- The 4.2e application does not decode the sample at all, but generates the following message:
PRESPsReaderQueue_newData:!store entry
Going the other way (from the standard C++ application, or the modern C++ application, or the DDS 4.2e application) to the .NET applications:
- The payload is the right size and the contents appear to be correctly transferred;
- The double value is always zero;
- The enumeration value is always zero / the first value;
- The checksum seems to be actually decoded from the enumeration value.
The command used to generate the example C++/CLI project was:
rtiddsgen.bat HelloWorld_Test.idl -ppDisable -language C++/CLI -update typefiles -update examplefiles -update makefiles -platform x64Win64VS2015 -use42eAlignment
The other languages used the same command, other than changing the -language value.
I have defined the following in the USER_QOS_PROFILES.XML file:
- dds.data_writer.type_support.use_42e_alignment in the datawriter_qos, datareader_qos, and participant_qos.
- dds.data_reader.type_support.use_42e_alignment (because I was not sure if there was a typo in the documentation) in the datareader_qos and participant_qos.
- dds.sample_assignability.accept_unknown_enum_value in the datareader_qos and participant_qos.
- dds.data_writer.protocol.use_43_large_data_format in the participant_qos.
- dds.data_reader.protocol.use_43_large_data_format in the participant_qos.
I think that there is a misalignment problem after deserialising the payload, which causes everything deserialised afterwards to be incorrect.
Any suggestions?