Automotive usecase source code does not work when executing

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Last seen: 2 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 06/13/2020
Posts: 5
Automotive usecase source code does not work when executing

Hello everyone,

My name is Yuan Liao, a researcher engineer in automotive field. These days I am trying to use the recommended automotive usecase in your website to evaluate RTI performance.

I downloaded the source code from:

My NDDSHOME is: XX/rti_connext_dds-5.3.1 and I import the free-trial license to the 5.3.1 RTI launcher. The builiding process is successful, but when I tried to run, it doesn't work, it shows like the following information:
It seems like the version problem, so I change the NDDSHOME to 6.0.1, but the building process is not compatible to this version I found. 
I would like to consult that could you give me some suggestion on solving this problem? I am wondering if it is still the license issue.
Thank you very much for your time and look forward to hearing from you
Best regards
Last seen: 6 months 5 days ago
Joined: 11/14/2017
Posts: 29

Hello Yuan Liao,

I cannot see the image that shows the error -- can you paste the text of the error into a reply?

In the meantime, I'll try a few guesses:

1. This example has been updated for Connext 6, so I suspect that any build errors might be caused by environment vars or needing to start with a clean build.
     Can you confirm which version(s) of Connext you have installed?   Was this the free-trial of v5.3.1 and/or v6.0.1?
     When switching from 5.3.1 to 6.0.1 -- did you delete the object & binary files from the previous build, and re-init the environment
     using the provided script, as in: "source <rti_connext_dds-X.X.X>/resource/scripts/rtisetenv_*.bash" before rebuilding?

2. If you're interested in evaluating the performance of RTI Connext DDS -- I strongly encourage you to take a look at our PerfTest application at:   This is a source code / buildable framework for measuring throughput and latency, and is very portable
    to make it easy to run on different platforms/systems.

What can you tell me about your application or testing needs?   Will this be running under a specific framework or OS?
What part of performance is more important to your application -- latency?  Throughput?   System overhead?   etc.

Thanks very much,
- Neil

Last seen: 2 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 06/13/2020
Posts: 5

Hi Neil,

Thank you for your information. The warning information that I got is shown belowed:

"DDS_XMLParser_parse_from_file:Error parsing file

DDS_XMLParser_parser_from_file:ATTENTION: The version declared in this file ("6.0.0") is different from the version of RTI Data Distribution Service ("5.3.1"). If these versions are not compatible, that incompatibility could be the cause of this error

DDS_QoSProvider_load_profiles_from_current_dirI:ERROR:loading profiles file 'USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml'"

1. Can you confirm which version(s) of Connext you have installed?   Was this the free-trial of v5.3.1 and/or v6.0.1?

> I have installed 5.3.1, the built process was no problem; If I use 6.0.1, the built process doesn't work, it shows many Macro problems which I think the source code is not compatibable to 6.0.1

I am trying to use the automotive usecase to get familiar about the simulation, and then to evaluate the performance that you mentioned.

The automotive source code that I downloaded is recommened by RTI from Github, but the building part seems only work for 5.3.1, not 6.0.1 instead

Look forward to your information and thank you very much


Best Regards

Last seen: 6 months 5 days ago
Joined: 11/14/2017
Posts: 29

This issue is from the file at ExampleCode/resource/USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml -- it's referring to the 6.0.1-compatible schema file included from the RTI website
(a local copy of this file is also included at <RTI_INSTALL_LOCATION>/resources/schema/rti_dds_qos_profiles.xsd).

To correct this behavior, change the line to point to the file that matches the version of Connext DDS that you're using, as in:

For Connext v6.0.x:

<dds xmlns:xsi=""  
xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=""  version="6.0.0">

For Connext v5.3.1:

<dds xmlns:xsi=""  

Or -- for either version, you can refer to the local copy installed on your PC:

<dds xmlns:xsi=""  

This should clear up the runtime error.

