I am looking into porting a legacy c-struct definition into idl definition so that the generated struct is used instead of the original c-struct. My c-struct doesn't have any fancy user-defined structures - just the well-known available c-types or enums.
Assuming I have the conversion ready, is there a way ('easier') for getting the c-struct from the dds generated struct. I said easier, as the other long way is to have a small plugin that does the conversion / mapping back. I am actually looking forward on serialize / deserialize functionality, but not sure if it can help me in this scenario.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Uday,
I am not sure I fully understand your problem but let me give you some pointers hoping that those will help you.
I am not sure this will help you. Let me know.
Hi Gianpiero,
May be I haven't stated my problem clearly.
I already have a set of structs defined, that are widely used in all my applications. My objective is to introduce the equivalent dds struct topic of this for DDS communication. But, I dont want to use the new struct everywhere. So, effectively I am looking if I can convert the new struct to a byte stream and copy it to or cast as my legacy struct. If something like that isn't possible I would have to define some bridging functions which convert new struct to legacy one and vice-versa.
This should be the most common problem people face as they move from legacy systems to DDS-based systems. So I am just trying to find if there are any alternatives.