Hi, I'm going through the Getting Started instruction and I'm running into some error when building. I auto generated a makefile using the rtiddsgen command. I tried building using the make command per the instruction and that is when I get this error
I checked the TopicTraits.hpp file and 'allocate_sample' and 'reset_sample' do exist so I'm thinking there may be something wrong with the build script? I'm using gcc 7.3.1 to build.
Hi, I think that Ross, RTI's FAE supporting your account, will be reaching out to you directly. I would suggest checking to see that the code that you are building was generated by the same version of RTI Connext that you're compiling against.
I'm working with Dexter via email on this issue. For other people that may have hit a similar issue, I currently suspect this is a platform related issue.
I was not able to replicate this issue when I used Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS with this same library: x64Linux4gcc7.3.0 on Connext 6.1.2
I found out Dexter was using CentOS 7, which we have validated against a different target library: x64Linux3gcc4.8.2
Both of these libraries are available for Connext Pro 6.1.2 that he is using, so I've asked him to test against the intended libraries to confirm my suspicion of a platform related issue.