I add a function to get DDS_ParticipantBuiltinTopicData in the HelloWorld_dpde example. So the basic steps are:
1. Print new found participant info (e.g. DCPS key) by install the listenser :
builtin_participant_listener.on_data_available = BuiltinParticipantListener_on_data_available;
retcode = DDS_DataReader_set_listener( builtin_participant_datareader, &builtin_participant_listener, DDS_DATA_AVAILABLE_STATUS);
2. Start normal Pub/Sub workflow:
on publisher:
datawriter_listener.on_publication_matched = HelloWorldPublisher_on_publication_matched;
on subscriber:
datareader_listener.on_data_available = HelloWorldSubscriber_on_data_available;
datareader_listener.on_subscription_matched = HelloWorldSubscriber_on_subscription_matched;
The problem is whenever I enable the DataReaderLister for the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, no match and communication between he publisher and the subscriber, without showing any errors. If I disable the DataReaderLister for the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, pub/sub works ok.
Could anyone help to figure this problem please?
Thanks a lot.