Cannot Create Participant after upgrading GCC versions

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Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 12/19/2018
Posts: 4
Cannot Create Participant after upgrading GCC versions


I'm currently trying to upgrade my codebase from C++98 to modern C++. To this end, I've switched from the Linux 3 GCC 4.8.2 packages to the Linux 3 GCC 5.4.0 packages. I've also made sure to maintain the same RTI DDS version (5.3.0) through this change.

I'd like to touch the existing codebase as little as possible and therefore are still using the traditional API calls as opposed to the modern API calls. The participants are being created with 

DDSDomainParticipantFactory->create_participant(domainID, participantQos, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

Everything compiles and links properly, however, I am getting the following error while trying to construct the participant.

[CREATE Participant]DDS_DomainParticipant_createI:!get internal clock
[CREATE Participant]DDS_DomainParticipantFactory_create_participant_disabledI:!create participant
DDSDomainParticipant_impl::create_disabledI:!create participant
DDSDomainParticipant_impl::createI:!create participant
DomainParticipantFactory_impl::create_participant():!create failure creating participant

Additional information: Due to the nature of the application, the build machine and the deployment machines are two different boxes. I do not have the ability to run the application on the build machine. The build machine has a > 5.1 version of GCC while the deployment machine has a < 5.1 verson of GCC. All library dependencies and locations are resolving properly and I do have the up-to-date on the deployment machine.

This code was working fine immediately prior to shifting from GCC 4.8.2 to GCC 5.4.0. Any insight would be appreciated.


Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 12/19/2018
Posts: 4

Okay, I have an update on this.

I've tried compiling the example Hello_idl for the same version of C++ using the same RTI DDS libraries that are failing in my application (the Linux 3 GCC 5.4.0 packages). I've compiled and ran both the traditional C++ API Hello program and the modern C++11 API Hello program with no issues. 

I compiled both of these programs on the build machine and have ran them on both the build and deployment machines with success.