DataReader Error on rediscover [Solved]

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Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
Joined: 08/28/2013
Posts: 66
DataReader Error on rediscover [Solved]


It was a QoS setting not well set as expected. It was not in participant QoS but in DataReader QoS:
dr_qos.reader_resource_limits.max_remote_writers. By default it is set to 1.


here is my scenario:

1/ API with Participant containing DataReader waiting data

2/ API with Participant containing DataWriter send data

3/ Second API finalize clean

4/Relaunch second API

On First API side:

[11.99999996] ERROR:ModuleID=6,Errcode=76,X=1,E=0,STATUS=f0000000  empty/RTPSInterface.c:1883/RTPSInterface_bind_external:

[11.116666663] ERROR:ModuleID=7,Errcode=109,X=1,E=0,STATUS=f80000a4  empty/DataReaderDiscovery.c:590/DDS_DataReader_add_route:datareader[0.44444404.dec0adde.a07]: add route for topic=xxxx

 0x817e4bb8 (udp_rx_mc): DDS Topic xxx has currently 0001 Nb of Datawriter Matching with Qos

So Callback Match Publication is OK but nothing more.
I tried to relaunch second API with another participant ID but it changes nothing.

Moreover, could someone explain the threads created ?
udp_rx_mc ( *1)
udp_rx_uc  ( *2)

I saw something strange where two instances are sent by datawriter and are not treated in the same thread on datareader's side.
I thought there was one thread per datawriter ?




Gerardo Pardo's picture
Last seen: 3 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 06/02/2010
Posts: 602

I assume this is for Connext DDS Micro? What version are you running?


Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
Joined: 08/28/2013
Posts: 66

Yes it is Version 2.2.3

Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
Joined: 08/28/2013
Posts: 66


I do not find a solution about this issue.
With log debug, i can see a problem in ressources. Here is the call stack:

1/ internal_record = ( struct URTDB_RecordHeader*)REDA_BufferPool_get_buffer( table->records);  if (internal_record == NULL) fail_with_retcode(DB_RETCODE_OUT_OF_RESOURCES);
2/ if (DB_Table_create_record(self->_parent._btable, (DB_Record_T *)&bind_entry) != DB_RETCODE_OK);  RTPS_Log_db_create_ext_bind_entry(OSAPI_LOGKIND_ERROR);


[1383729092.149727999] TID[13300][RTPS] BIND EXTERNAL SRC=[527a07c3.8af038dc.deadc0de.20a0000] INTF=004598E8 DST=[527a07b9.a0b2c837.deadc0de.70a0000]
[1383729092.150727999] ERROR:ModuleID=6,Errcode=76,X=1,E=0,STATUS=f0000000  empty/RTPSInterface.c:1883/RTPSInterface_bind_external:■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
[1383729092.210727999] TID[13300][DATAREADER] FAILED TO ADD ROUTE TOPIC=[ACT_ST] DR=[b9077a52.37c8b2a0.dec0adde.a07] DW=[c3077a52.dc38f08a.dec0adde.a02]
[1383729092.210727999] ERROR:ModuleID=7,Errcode=109,X=1,E=0,STATUS=f80000a8  empty/DataReaderDiscovery.c:590/DDS_DataReader_add_route:datareader[b9077a52.37c8b2a0.dec0adde.a07]: add route for topic=ACT_ST

I try to upgrade all ressources in particpant QoS Ressources_Limits but it does not change anything.
So my question is which ressources to upgrade ?

