DDS subscriber application throws following error after 5 day of long run

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DDS subscriber application throws following error after 5 day of long run


Hi ,

 I am getting following DDS error on the subscriber application conitousely after 5 days of long run , the streaming topic has already processed 4.5crore of data , but suddenly this happens and memory started increasing , processing no more topics eventually lead to the component restart .


RESCstReaderCollator_assertInstance:!add instance entry PRESCstReaderCollator_addCollatorEntryToPolled:!assert instance PRESCstReaderCollator_addInstanceEntry:exceeded ResourceLimitsQosPolicy.max_instances (12000) PRESCstReaderCollator_addInstanceEntry:Consider increasing the max_instances resource limit or setting the DataReaderResourceLimitsQosPolicy.instance_replacement QoS.


Is this because the wait_set got hang on datareader ? Just wondering why the resurce limits should exhaust because  writers and readers  frequency is same.


Can you please throw some light on this ?

Howard's picture
Last seen: 1 day 9 hours ago
Joined: 11/29/2012
Posts: 627

Your qos settings only allows the DataReader to manage 12,000 instances of the topic.  Your system must be generating (datawriters writing) more than 12,000 different key values.

You have to determine, how many different instances (unique key values) need to be handled at any time, and modify your applications and/or qos settings to dispose of instances that no longer are used/needed.