Encountering Java Crash when writing to dds

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Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago
Joined: 02/22/2021
Posts: 7
Encountering Java Crash when writing to dds


I am encountering an issue when running java application with rti dds 7.3 in RHEL9.4 environment. Java would crash at times when write_untyped method is called.

The problematic frame is on libc.so.6 and is related to memcpy_evex_unaligned_erms.

When the same code is ran in Windows 10 Pro environment, the problem did not occurred.

For the linux environment, libc version is 2.34 and RTI Architecture used is x64Linux4gcc7.3.0

Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago
Joined: 12/05/2019
Posts: 15


The call to write_untyped is untyped, as the name suggest. You should consider using the (generated) typed DataWriter to avoid any problem with invalid objects.
However, I believe that you would get a Java exception were this to be the case.

The fact that this issue only happens in your RHEL environment is odd, could you perhaps share more information here?
For example, the JVM crash logs should contain a full backtrace which may be useful to diagnose where the problem happens.
Be sure to run your applications with "nddsjavad.jar" on the classpath to use the Debug native libraries.

Finally, if you have a Support contract with RTI, I suggest that you go to the Support Portal to get a assistance from our Support engineers.
