We are using RHEL7.5 x86_64 with RTI v5.3.1. We are using the Modern C++ API and attempting to use find_participants.
But, we are running into a build issue:
/opt/rti_connext_dds-5.3.1/include/ndds/hpp/dds/domain/TDomainParticipant.hpp:128:28: error: ‘dds::domain::TDomainParticipant<DELEGATE>::TDomainParticipant() [with DELEGATE = rti::domain::DomainParticipantImpl]’ is private
OMG_DDS_BASIC_REF_TYPE(TDomainParticipant, dds::core::TEntity, DELEGATE)
The code that triggers this compiler error is :#include <rti/domain/find.hpp>
This is the header that is show in the Modern C++ API to use. If we don't use it, we then get a compile error that find_participants is not part of rti::domain. I searched the how-to and knowledge base but could not find a complete example using find_participants.
How do I get rid of this compiler error so I can use find_participants ?
Hi Bernardo,
I agree... the documentation on using find_participants is sparse. I'll create an internal note. You do need to include find.hpp. After that, you could do something like this:
std::vector<dds::domain::DomainParticipant> part;
I did resolve this issue, but it wasn't enough to findlu find.hpp. The solution was to inlude all the headers one would find in the <name of idl file>.hpp file if you ran rtiddsgen for generating C++11 code. Once I did that then I was able to use find_participants as you specified.