Micropython with RTI API

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Micropython with RTI API


I am trying to use RTI with a Raberry Pi Pico board but it is limited with the Microphyton programming language. Is it possible to use RTI or is there an alternative?

Gerardo Pardo's picture
Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 06/02/2010
Posts: 602


My understanding is that the Raspberry Pi Pico only has 250KB of RAM.  I do not think that would be enough to run Connext Pro with the Python API.

I would suggest using the C/++ SDK with either Connext Micro ot Connext Nano

* Connext Micro (see https://www.rti.com/products/connext-micro) is a version of Connext developed for resource constrained systems. 

* Connext Nano  (https://www.rti.com/developers/rti-labs/connext-nano) is an Experimental Labs product for extremely resource constrained devices and netwotks.

One key difference is that  Connext Nano uses a cliebt/agent architectire. Only a light-weight client runs on the Raspberry Pi Pico. That client connects to to connect with a Connext-Nano Agent, which run on a different machine.The client uses a protocol called DDS-XRCE (which is part of the DDS family of standard) oprimized for small device, devices that may to undergio sleep/wake cycles, as well as transports with small message sizes. The client clode is fistributed as open source via github (https://github.com/rticommunity/nano-client) and is only a few thousand lines of code. In fact the User Manual (https://community.rti.com/static/documentation/nano/nano-client/latest/manual/nano-client/html/) provides build inseutions for Raspberry Pi with the lwip stack.