I am trying to use RTI with a Raberry Pi Pico board but it is limited with the Microphyton programming language. Is it possible to use RTI or is there an alternative?
I am trying to use RTI with a Raberry Pi Pico board but it is limited with the Microphyton programming language. Is it possible to use RTI or is there an alternative?
My understanding is that the Raspberry Pi Pico only has 250KB of RAM. I do not think that would be enough to run Connext Pro with the Python API.
I would suggest using the C/++ SDK with either Connext Micro ot Connext Nano
* Connext Micro (see https://www.rti.com/products/connext-micro) is a version of Connext developed for resource constrained systems.
* Connext Nano (https://www.rti.com/developers/rti-labs/connext-nano) is an Experimental Labs product for extremely resource constrained devices and netwotks.
One key difference is that Connext Nano uses a cliebt/agent architectire. Only a light-weight client runs on the Raspberry Pi Pico. That client connects to to connect with a Connext-Nano Agent, which run on a different machine.The client uses a protocol called DDS-XRCE (which is part of the DDS family of standard) oprimized for small device, devices that may to undergio sleep/wake cycles, as well as transports with small message sizes. The client clode is fistributed as open source via github (https://github.com/rticommunity/nano-client) and is only a few thousand lines of code. In fact the User Manual (https://community.rti.com/static/documentation/nano/nano-client/latest/manual/nano-client/html/) provides build inseutions for Raspberry Pi with the lwip stack.