I am using Modern C++ version of DDS 5.3.1
In my DataReaderListener''s on_data_available() callback function, the data samples is in the DDS Thread.
dds::sub::LoanedSamples<My_Cmd> samples = reader.read();
i want to do a PostMessage to the Main Thread. Is it ok to to do the following
My_Cmd MySample = samples[0];
PostMessage(_myHWND, WM_DATA, (WPARAM)(&MySample),0);
As far as i know its not recommended to use pointers in the Modern C++ API does it apply to Data samples?
Hi Calvin,
If you want to get the data in your main thread, have you considered using waitsets? In many cases, waitset is a better option than callbacks.
You can find a example here, and there are some snippets and info in the manuals.
Let me know if that's closer to what you need or if you still prefer the PostMessage option.