Open-Source Project Inquiries

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LiveDDS's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Joined: 11/20/2023
Posts: 3
Open-Source Project Inquiries

We focus on various open source projects developments. We are exploring the use of RTI Connext's API and header files for an open source project slated for GitHub release, but we do not hold a license for RTI Connext.
Our questions are as follows:

Unlicensed Publication: Is it permissible to publish code on GitHub that utilizes the public RTI Connext API, if we do not hold a license for RTI Connext?

Licensing Clarification and Distribution: If a specific RTI license is required, what type would be suitable for our projects? How would this affect the project's distribution on GitHub, and is it permissible to develop and publish the project, informing users that they need to purchase their own RTI Connext developer license to use it?

Open Source Project License Compatibility: What are the implications of using RTI Connext in a project that might be licensed under GPL or similar open source licenses? Are there compatibility issues or restrictions we should be aware of?

Compliance and Best Practices: We aim to comply with RTI standards and contribute positively to the community. What best practices should we follow for projects using RTI Connext, especially those without an existing license?

We appreciate your guidance in navigating these licensing concerns and look forward to your advice.
Thank you for your assistance.

David Barnett's picture
Last seen: 1 month 23 hours ago
Joined: 08/13/2010
Posts: 17

With respect to publishing code on GitHub that utilizes the public RTI Connext API, this is fine as long as you are not distributing any RTI Software.

With respect to your other questions: RTI offers a variety of license types (e.g., non-commercial, research, evaluation, commercial) and distribution models. We would have to understand more about your project to make a recommendation. To speak to someone at RTI, please email or submit our contact form.


LiveDDS's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Joined: 11/20/2023
Posts: 3

Thank you David,
We've emailed for further guidance but haven't received a reply yet.
Could you kindly check and provide us with an update?