Presentations from Boston Connext Conference 2018!

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Posts: 4
Presentations from Boston Connext Conference 2018!

Hi everyone!

Thank you to all of the Boston Connext Conference 2018 attendees! Your presentations, comments, and input provided an incredible opportunity to learn more about your use cases and how you apply Connext DDS to solve them. We always appreciate your feedback about the product and look forward to many more great conferences in the future!

Below, you’ll find a list of the presentations from the conference. If you're looking for a presentation that's not currently linked, don't worry! Links will be added as the content becomes available for sharing.


Vanessa Todd - Marketing Communications Manager






  • Technical Deep Dive: Product Advancements for Scaling IIoT Systems - Fernando Crespo, Software Architect - To receive a copy of this presentation, please email a request to A copy of the presentation will then be emailed directly.