Hey, so on my last post I couldn't build the StreamingVideoExample solution, I solved that issue by downloading the 32 bit version of RTI Connext DDS. Now when im running the solution in Visual Studio 2019 I get the following error:
I looked into it, but couldn't find anything where should be this dll be located, or why it is missing. libgobject-2.0-0.dll is a common missing dll, but i dont want to just download any dll from the internet and also dont know where to put it.
Specs for my run: Visual Studio 2019, Windows SDK 10, Connext DDS 6.0.1 (32 bit version), my computer is 64 bit.
Please help!
libgobject.2.0-0.dll is provided in the distribution tree for the VideoData example,
You'll need to add the directory to your PATH so that Windows can find and load the DLL.
Since we're only providing an example of how to use DDS in a streaming video application, the example is only provide as a 32-bit application.
While you can modify the build to build for 64 bits, it'll be up to you to get gstreamer libs for 64 bit.
NOTE: this example was created with a very old version of gstreamer. The latest version of gstreamer has changed its API substantially, so to use it will require changes to the VideoExample code.
Fundamentally, if you get it working for 32 bits then that's really the extent of what this example is good for.
When you write your own video streaming example, likely you won't be using gstreamer but other video processing APIs.