My program crashes on the first take() operation. The program is a plugin(.so) to another executable so
waitset.dispatch() is called from a run() function called periodically from the parent.
void foo::run()
The participant is created in the constructor:
foo::foo(const std::string &name) :
The reader callback is constructed here:
template <class T>
dds::sub::cond::ReadCondition foo::make_read_condition(dds::sub::DataReader<T>& reader)
return dds::sub::cond::ReadCondition(
// Take all samples
dds::sub::LoanedSamples<T> samples = reader.take(); /// CRASH HERE
for (auto sample : samples)
if (
} // The LoanedSamples destructor returns the loan
The topic and reader are created here:
dds::sub::DataReader<DDSmsg> msgReader(Subscriber(mParticipant), Topic<DDSmsg>(mParticipant, "DDSmsg"));
mWaitSet += make_read_condition(msgReader);
I put a print in TDataReader.hpp and the pointer looks good...
LoanedSamples<T> read()
printf("this = %p\n",this);
return this->delegate()->take();
I have used this same code in several other applications with no problem
[SOLVED] Fixed this problem by making the data reader a class variable, making make_read_condition() a class method and calling make_read_condition from the constructor.