RTI Analyzer 5.1.0

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Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: 02/26/2013
Posts: 9
RTI Analyzer 5.1.0


After I set the environment variable to

NDDS_QOS_PROFILES=MYPATH_TO/NDDS_QOS_PROFILES.example.xml , (the NDDS_QOS_PROFILES.example.xml has no modifications)  I can not configure or start the spy agent .

The warnings are:

Spy Agent: Failed to set DomainParticipantFactoryQos:null

Unable to open Spy agent configuration dialog


What should I do ?


Many thanks,




ken's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 04/13/2011
Posts: 64

Hi Daniel,

   Apologies for the late reply...your post just came to my attention. Sadly, I'm not able to reproduce the issue you're experiencing. For me, Analyzer is coming up and I am able to start the spy agent without incident. I would recommend, however, that you configure Analyzer through the configuration dialog. There, you can set the QoS profile to be one found in an XML file if you like.

   Lastly, have you tried Admin Console? As I'm sure you've seen, Analyzer is now deprecated and this is the last time we plan to ship it. But Admin Console has match analysis and many more features in it.


RTI Tools Team Lead