Setting of topic QoS via xml file

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Last seen: 6 years 10 months ago
Joined: 08/25/2015
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Setting of topic QoS via xml file

Is there an example of setting the QoS of topics via xml with the C++ modern API?  (I understand that the .xml file is independent of the language, but my guess is that there may be something you have to do in the code as well.)

I am looking for an example like this one but for topics as opposed to datawriters or datareaders.  If possible, I would like it to set the default QoS for topics -- I understand that qos_profile element can have the is_default_qos="true" attribute but am wondering if this is doable for topics.  In other words, I understand that one can set topic QoS the via domain_library element but I don't know if there is an equivalent attribute for that element like is_default_domain_library.  Or can you put topic_qos as a child element of a qos_profile?  (I would like to find out what XML element are valid as child elements of other elements but I couldn't find a straightforward definition in the RTI Connext DDS Core Libraries XML-Based Application Creation Getting Started Guide Version 5.3.0; maybe I missed it).


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Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
Joined: 11/16/2011
Posts: 50


Yes you can add a topic_qos under qos_profile. You can use the rti_dds_profiles.xsd that is shipped with the RTI DDS distribution to check the valid XML elements and attributes that you can have.

Also you can leverage topic_filter, which is an attribute that allows to specify a QoS for a writer/reader based on the name of the Topic they will be attached. You can read more about topic filters in RTI Connext User's manual.

- Antonio