spreadsheet add in for microsoft excel

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gabim's picture
Last seen: 4 years 2 weeks ago
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spreadsheet add in for microsoft excel

Hi all,

i am getting the following error when i press "start rti service" :

in my log file RTIExcelAddin.log:

ERR [9/5/2020 7:43:27 AM] An exception occurred while initializating the add-in: 

at DDS.DomainParticipantFactory.set_qos(DomainParticipantFactoryQos qos)
at DDS2Excel.Subscription.SubscriptionManager.ConfigureDomainParticipantFactory()
at DDS2Excel.RTIExcelAddin.init()
at DDS2Excel.RTIExcelAddin.OnStartupComplete(Array& custom)
INFO [9/5/2020 7:43:27 AM] Starting the RTD server...
ERR [9/5/2020 7:43:27 AM] Exception during the RTD server startup:
at DDS2Excel.RTDServer.ServerStart(IRTDUpdateEvent CallbackObject)
INFO [9/5/2020 7:43:27 AM] Entering ServerTerminate
INFO [9/5/2020 7:43:27 AM] RTD Server terminated
INFO [9/5/2020 7:43:27 AM] Entering ServerTerminate
WARN [9/5/2020 7:43:27 AM] Terminating RTD Server, but it was not started properly
INFO [9/5/2020 7:43:27 AM] RTD Server terminated
WARN [9/5/2020 7:43:27 AM] Couldn't read domain id from workbook
WARN [9/5/2020 7:43:27 AM] Couldn't read QoS profiles from workbook
WARN [9/5/2020 7:43:27 AM] Couldn't read peer hosts id from workbook
WARN [9/5/2020 7:43:27 AM] Couldn't read throttle interval from workbook
ERR [9/5/2020 7:43:27 AM] Exception reading configuration from Excel:
at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Application.get_Range(Object Cell1, Object Cell2)
at DDS2Excel.Subscription.Configuration.ReadConfigurationFromExcel(Application app)
ERR [9/5/2020 7:44:15 AM] Exception getting QoS libraries
at DDS.DomainParticipantFactory.get_qos_profile_libraries(StringSeq library_names)
at DDS2Excel.UI.DDS2ExcelConfigForm.DDS2ExcelConfigForm_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
ERR [9/5/2020 7:44:21 AM] Error starting DDS:
at DDS.DomainParticipantFactory.set_qos(DomainParticipantFactoryQos qos)
at DDS2Excel.Subscription.SubscriptionManager.Start()
ERR [9/5/2020 7:44:21 AM] An exception occurred while starting DDS
at DDS2Excel.Subscription.SubscriptionManager.Start()
at DDS2Excel.RTIExcelAddin.StartDDS()
ERR [9/5/2020 7:44:21 AM] An exception occurred while starting DDS:
at DDS2Excel.Subscription.SubscriptionManager.Start()
at DDS2Excel.RTIExcelAddin.StartDDS()
at DDS2Excel.RTIExcelAddin.ConfigForm_StartPlugin(Form form)
INFO [9/5/2020 7:46:53 AM] Addin disconnected


can any one give me a hint what could be the problem?



Last seen: 1 year 1 week ago
Joined: 10/15/2018
Posts: 9

Hi Gabim,

Reading the log, it seems that there is an issue with the QoS. I have been able to reproduce the error removing the permission on the file C:\Users\<user>\Documents\rti_workspace\6.0.1\user_config\spreadsheet_addin\EXCEL_QOS_PROFILES.xml. Could you check if your user can open that file? If you cannot open, please give it permissions. If you can open the file, could you answer the following questions?

  • Is Excel opening a window with any error apart from the log?

  • Are you using the default QoS?

  • Which version of ConnextDDS and Office are you using?


gabim's picture
Last seen: 4 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 07/17/2020
Posts: 7

sorry for the late postponed.

you asked:

Could you check if your user can open that file? yes it can

you asked:

is Excel opening a window with any error apart from the log? no it isnt

Are you using the default QoS? yes i am using the default

Are you using the default QoS? dd6-6.0.1    excel2016

now i got the following errors:

INFO [9/16/2020 10:12:45 PM] RTI Spreadsheet Add-in for Microsoft Excel 6.0.1 - Starting
INFO [9/16/2020 10:12:45 PM] Running with configuration:
DDSConfig::DomainId: 0
DDSConfig::QosLibrary: ExcelQosLib
DDSConfig::QosProfile: DefaultProfile
DDSConfig::AutoStartDDS: no
DDSConfig::ThrottleInterval: 100
DDSConfig::AutoPublishTimer: 0
DDSConfig::StringEncoding: UTF-8
Logging::Verbosity: 3
Logging::OverwriteLogFile: yes
Logging::LogFile: C:\Users\gabim\Documents\rti_workspace\6.0.1\user_config\spreadsheet_addin\RTIExcelAddin.log
Logging::DynDataMaxSerialized: 4294967295
Filters: [ ]
INFO [9/16/2020 10:12:45 PM] RTI Spreadsheet Add-in for Microsoft Excel 6.0.1 loaded OK
INFO [9/16/2020 10:12:45 PM] RTI Add-in for Microsoft Excel startup succeeded
INFO [9/16/2020 10:12:46 PM] Starting the RTD server...
INFO [9/16/2020 10:12:46 PM] RTD Server STARTED
WARN [9/16/2020 10:12:46 PM] Couldn't read domain id from workbook
WARN [9/16/2020 10:12:46 PM] Couldn't read QoS profiles from workbook
WARN [9/16/2020 10:12:46 PM] Couldn't read peer hosts id from workbook
WARN [9/16/2020 10:12:46 PM] Couldn't read throttle interval from workbook
ERR [9/16/2020 10:12:46 PM] Exception reading configuration from Excel:
at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Application.get_Range(Object Cell1, Object Cell2)
at DDS2Excel.Subscription.Configuration.ReadConfigurationFromExcel(Application app)
INFO [9/16/2020 10:13:33 PM] Parsing XML type: HelloWorld
INFO [9/16/2020 10:13:33 PM] Domain participant created. Domain id = 0
INFO [9/16/2020 10:13:33 PM] Creating subscriber with profile ExcelQosLib::DefaultProfile
INFO [9/16/2020 10:13:33 PM] Subscriber created
INFO [9/16/2020 10:13:33 PM] DiscoveryMonitor Started
INFO [9/16/2020 10:13:33 PM] Configuring DDS for RTD server



gabim's picture
Last seen: 4 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 07/17/2020
Posts: 7

i also add ascreen capture that my button are disabled:

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