type code query

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Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
Joined: 05/14/2015
Posts: 6
type code query

Dear Mr Pardo,

1. I am publising a topic struct whose type cannot be determined by Admin Console of Connext 5.2.0.

2. In order to resolve this, i changed max_serialized_length = 9216 in USER_QOS_PROFLE.xml in directory of publishing application.

3. Plz tell how to compute type code size of a topic struct, usage of type code and ways & means of minimizing the type code length (e.g. giving small name to topic struct etc)?

4. Plz share the best practices document regarding type codes.




Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
Joined: 05/14/2015
Posts: 6

any answer?


Howard's picture
Last seen: 3 days 4 hours ago
Joined: 11/29/2012
Posts: 627

Dear Dhruv,

Mr. Pardo is at an OMG meeting this week so he's asked me to help out.

Unfortunately, there's no good way to calculate sizes of typecodes.  As you have found, the size of type codes depends on the complexity of the data structure, including the size of the names of the fields, which are included in the type code.  Along with their more modern counterpart, type objects, type codes are used by RTI Connext tools and services to allow them to visualize, record, route, etc., your Topics without having apriori knowledge of your data types.  But to do this, they have to be sent by applications. 

But sending type codes/type objects are not required if you're not using the tools/services.  And even if you are, many RTI tools and services can be configured to know your data type via XML files.

May I inquire why do you want RTI Admin Console to know about your data type?  What is your use case?

I think that you may find these articles (found on community.rti.com when searching for "type code") to be useful:





I hope this helps to answer your questions.


Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
Joined: 05/14/2015
Posts: 6

Thank you very much Mr Wang for your answer.

I'm using admin console for debug purpose of our system and to visualize the data, console should be able to detemine the data type.

Moreover, i would like to know whether type code is necessary for using persistent service also?


