Unexpected logging at command line

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Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
Joined: 03/12/2018
Posts: 32
Unexpected logging at command line

I'm crosscompiling my application with the libraries from rti_connext_dds-  Cmake is building my application under the petalinux toolset (which is a wrapper around the bitbake/yocto toolset).

In starting up my DDS application at the command line, I get a ton of unexpected RTI messages, as shown below.   As the prorgram runs, the "RTIOsapiUtility_getTimeAdv:now " messages come up about three times a second (PTP is also running, but I believe it is not changing time because there is no PTP master on my net).

Can someone tell me why these messages occur, and what I can do to turn them off?

There is a ton of literature on how to turn logging ON, but I don't have <logging> in my QoS (assuming my QoS is actually being used), and there is no literature on how to turn it off, other than the absence of the <logging>.  

What sort of things should I be looking for in my code or in the QoS?


RTIOsapiUtility_getTimeAdv:now {bc497c3c,B2A73709} < 0
[CREATE Participant]RTIOsapiUtility_getTimeAdv:now {bc497c3c,B36A1E7A} < 0
[CREATE Participant]RTIOsapiUtility_getTimeAdv:now {bc497c3c,B36E3F71} < 0
[CREATE Participant]RTIOsapiUtility_getTimeAdv:now {bc497c3c,B38B2631} < 0
[CREATE Participant]RTIOsapiUtility_getTimeAdv:now {bc497c3c,B38C974A} < 0
[CREATE Participant]RTIOsapiUtility_getTimeAdv:now {bc497c3c,B3A3768A} < 0
[CREATE Participant]RTIOsapiUtility_getTimeAdv:now {bc497c3c,B3A4F86A} < 0
[D0000|ENABLE]RTIOsapiUtility_getTimeAdv:now {bc497c3c,B4D25ED5} < 0
[D0000|ENABLE]RTIOsapiUtility_getTimeAdv:now {bc497c3c,B4D66F05} < 0
[D0000|ENABLE|D0000|GET_BUILTIN_PUB]RTIOsapiUtility_getTimeAdv:now {bc497c3c,B54FCE6C} < 0
[D0000|ENABLE|D0000|GET_BUILTIN_PUB]RTIOsapiUtility_getTimeAdv:now {bc497c3c,B5522A67} < 0
[D0000|ENABLE|D0000|Pub(80000088)|T=PRESServiceRequest|CREATE Writer]RTIOsapiUtility_getTimeAdv:now {bc497c3c,B56872A8} < 0
[D0000|ENABLE|D0000|Pub(80000088)|T=PRESServiceRequest|CREATE Writer]RTIOsapiUtility_getTimeAdv:now {bc497c3c,B597C3CE} < 0
[D0000|ENABLE|D0000|Pub(80000088)|T=PRESServiceRequest|CREATE Writer]RTIOsapiUtility_getTimeAdv:now {bc497c3c,B59F904B} < 0
[D0000|ENABLE]RTIOsapiUtility_getTimeAdv:now {bc497c3c,B5A2940C} < 0
[D0000|ENABLE]RTIOsapiUtility_getTimeAdv:now {bc497c3c,B5CFAAC5} < 0
[D0000|ENABLE]RTIOsapiUtility_getTimeAdv:now {bc497c3c,B5D6BEB6} < 0

Francisco Porcel's picture
Last seen: 4 weeks 1 hour ago
Joined: 11/07/2016
Posts: 24

Hi Aaron,

The number bc497c3c in hexadecimal is 3158932540 in decimal. With this website (https://www.epochconverter.com/) you can turn this decimal number into time. It seems that your system is in 2070 instead of 2018. Could you double check the time?


Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
Joined: 03/12/2018
Posts: 32

Hi, thank you for your response.

Yes, you are correct, the year does appear to 2070 on this computer.  Perhaps this system is from the future.  Perhaps I am in the future - I'll find a newspaper and check.

I set the date back to your time, and the messages go away.


Francisco Porcel's picture
Last seen: 4 weeks 1 hour ago
Joined: 11/07/2016
Posts: 24

Hi Aaron,

Please, let me know the lottery number for past years :D

I am glad I could help.
