Using DynamicData API with TopicType definition utilizing typedef IDL

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Last seen: 2 days 17 hours ago
Joined: 10/23/2013
Posts: 44
Using DynamicData API with TopicType definition utilizing typedef IDL

I make extensive use of the DynamicData API for registering, reading and writing TopicData.  I have relied on examples provided in this Forum and the Knowledge Base to handle sequences, nested structs, enums, etc.  However, I have recently run into a problem with a topic whose definition includes typedefs.  My code fails when encountering a member in DDS_DynamicData that was defined in the IDL file with a typedef.  It appears that the _type._data fields are not valid for a typedef, but rather the information in _type._data._typeCode should be used.   Attached is a simple IDL file.  Can you please provide example C code that used tye DynamicData APIs to work with the topic type:  SNAExample::DDSBasicData_msg ?

- register the topic type:

- reads a sample for the topic



Binary Data IDL file that uses typedef to define struct members584 bytes
Fernando Garcia's picture
Last seen: 2 months 4 days ago
Joined: 05/18/2011
Posts: 200

Hi Mark,

I have improved the example that I shared with you in the other thread to include also instructions to read the SNAExample::DDSBasicData_msg type. Here is the link to pastebin, you will find the code also attached to this post.

Note that the topic in my case is called "Example SNAExamples_DDSBasicData_msg", but you can easily change the value of the typeName variable. I have tested that it reads/writes communicating with IDL-based publisher and subscriber applications.

Please take a look at the example and let me know if it interoperates with your application.


File Attachments: