What does PRESCstReaderCollator_storeSampleToEntry:!assert instance mean?

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Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
Joined: 06/20/2016
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What does PRESCstReaderCollator_storeSampleToEntry:!assert instance mean?

i successfully sent a first sample of a "complex" data type under topic "A" via a data writer. Directly afterwards, i send a new sample under the same topic "A" but a separate instance key. The second sample seems not to be sent, but i get these messages:

PRESCstReaderCollator_storeSampleToEntry:!assert instance
PRESCstReaderCollator_newData:!get entries
PRESCstReaderCollator_storeSampleToEntry:!assert instance
PRESCstReaderCollator_newData:!get entries
PRESCstReaderCollator_storeSampleToEntry:!assert instance
PRESCstReaderCollator_newData:!get entries

I already tried sending the data without instance key ("HANDLE_NIL"), but the result is the same.

What does that mean? Thanks for any advice!

Gerardo Pardo's picture
Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 06/02/2010
Posts: 602


This may happen if the DataReader is exceeding its instance resource limits. Did you configure the DataReader RESOURCE_LIMITS QosPolicy? Specificifically the value of max_instances?

Does this happen on the second instance? Or are you publishing many other instances before that one?

Are you using or inheriting from of the builtip Qos Profiles, if so which one? By default the max_instances is set to a very large number but some other profiles may reduce this to save resources.

Maybe you can try running rtiddsspy -printData and see if it can get all the instances without having an issue. If that was the case it would indicate a problem in the configuration of the DataReader.
