
This article lists typical reasons for Discovery Issues with Connext DDS. For each issue also listed is a way to diagnose the issue and to solve the issue. Each issues is NOT gone into in detail but for each issue references are listed for further detail.
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If you are a Windows user and have ever needed to capture traffic from the loopback interface, you will probably have struggled to do so. Wireshark won't let you do it.

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This document describes how to check when the discovery process is completed. The tool that is going to be used is Wireshark. Before the analysis, these are some links that are of interest:

12404 reads — 5 comments
This HOWTO shows an utility to browse files generated by the Admin Console 5.3.0 “Export Discovery Data” feature. It styles the exported xml file into readable tables with expandable sections and dropdowns.
6683 reads — 1 comment
This document explains how to create a simple adapter using the RTI Routing Service Adapter SDK. The adapter scans the file system in one specific folder and, for every file present in that folder, it creates a stream to communicate with the output. In the output, the adapter will take care of creating a file for every stream received.
10763 reads — 0 comments
DDS has a built-in discovery service. This means it can automatically detect the presence of other DDS applications and their entities, that is DomainParticipants, DataWriters, DataReaders, Topics, as they appear and disappear from the DDS domain.
19693 reads — 4 comments
In a machine with multiple NICs RTI will automatically use all available interfaces for both discovery and data-distribution. This is good for fault tolerance and ensures the data is sent to all subscribers reachable from the sender. However there are situations when an application developer might want to control or limit which interfaces are used.
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