Example Code - Aggregation Throughput Test

Note: Applies to RTI Data Distribution Service 4.3 and above.

The following example is written in C++.


This throughput test is based on the throughput test in $NDDSHOME/example/CPP/performance/throughput, with modifications to batch data samples for aggregation. Instead of sending whenever write() is called, data samples are put into a batch. When the batch is full, everything in the batch is flushed, i.e. sent over the wire. 

All the data samples in a batch are sent as one packet, sharing headers and other overhead. However, the data samples can still be processed separately on the subscriber side. 

The -batch <batch_size> command-line argument has been added so you can set the number of data samples per batch.

When batching is used, the actual data size becomes batch_size x data size. Data size is specified by the -size flag (refer to the Instructions provided with the regular throughput test for information on the other command-line arguments). For example, a data size of 12 with a batch size of 5000 will actually send 60K on the wire per data packet. 


The subscriber side has a batched listener for the sample sequence data type. The processing remains the same as for the individual sample sequence.

The command-line arguments remain the same as well. 

Example Output

Data size 12 bytes, batch size 5000, 3.66 million msg/sec

Note that some message loss is expected because it is using best effort. 

./Throughput_publisher -nic -transport 1 -peer 1@ -domain 7 -demand 130000:5000:150000 -batch 5000 -size 12 

 Starting test... 
bytes, demand, samples, sample/s, Mbit/s, duration, CPU %, memory 
------, ------, --------, --------, -------, --------, -----, ------ 
12, 130000, 35360000, 2967807.4, 284.9, 11.91, 14.00, 111.5 
12, 135000, 36720000, 3665481.0, 351.9, 10.02, 16.94, 111.5 
12, 140000, 23660000, 1241426.1, 119.2, 19.06, 5.77, 111.5 
12, 145000, 37265000, 3722894.9, 357.4, 10.01, 17.31, 111.5 
12, 150000, 38100000, 3796836.5, 364.5, 10.03, 17.74, 111.5
./Throughput_subscriber -nic -transport 1 -peer 0@ -domain 7 

Starting test... 
bytes,demand, samples,sample/s, Mbit/s,lost(A),Nreject,lost(N), CPU %,memory 
12,130000,34910000,3568090.12, 342.5, 0, 0, 450000, 22.00, 424.4 
12,135000,35360000,3525449.49, 338.4, 0, 0,1360000, 21.69, 424.4 
12,140000,22815000,3645908.41, 350.0, 0, 0, 845000, 22.25, 424.4 
12,145000,35980000,3591917.91, 344.8, 0, 0,1285000, 22.41, 424.4 
12,150000,36620000,3647071.18, 350.1, 0, 0,1480000, 22.63, 424.4 

Data size 60 bytrres, batch size 1000, 1.9 million msg/sec

./Throughput_publisher -nic -transport 1 -peer 1@ -domain 7 -demand 900000:50000:4000000 -batch 1000 -size 60 

 Starting test... 
bytes, demand, samples, sample/s, Mbit/s, duration, CPU %, memory 
------, ------, --------, --------, -------, --------, -----, ------ 
60, 900000, 19800000, 1925056.3, 924.0, 10.29, 13.05, 111.0 
60, 950000, 19950000, 1924917.3, 924.0, 10.36, 12.93, 111.0 
60, 1000000, 20000000, 1928939.5, 925.9, 10.37, 13.09, 111.0 
60, 1050000, 19950000, 1930331.4, 926.6, 10.34, 13.21, 111.0 
60, 1100000, 19800000, 1931782.8, 927.3, 10.25, 12.93, 111.0
./Throughput_subscriber -nic -transport 1 -peer 0@ -domain 7 
Starting test... 
bytes,demand, samples,sample/s, Mbit/s,lost(A),Nreject,lost(N), CPU %,memory 
60,900000,19800000,1925501.81, 924.2, 0, 0, 0, 18.60, 425.3 
60,950000,19950000,1925691.16, 924.3, 0, 0, 0, 18.85, 425.3 
60,1000000,20000000,1929002.35, 925.9, 0, 0, 0, 18.28, 425.3 
60,1050000,19950000,1929763.81, 926.3, 0, 0, 0, 18.57, 425.3 
60,1100000,19800000,1932070.60, 927.4, 0, 0, 0, 18.81, 425.3
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