How do I transition my NDDS 3.x application to RTI Connext 4.x and above?

Note: Applies to NDDS 3.x and RTI Connext 4.x and above

First, it is important to point out that NDDS 3.x and RTI Connext 4.x and above are not wire-protocol compatible. Applications built with these 2 products cannot communicate with each other. 

Second, although the object models of both products are quite similar (both address the real-time autonomous publish-subscribe communication paradigm), their APIs are quite different. While several NDDS 3.x configuration and tuning parameters map directly to QoS policies supported in RTI Connext 4.x and above, a number of new policies are introduced as well. Also, the API has changed between the products as a result of the introduction of the DDS Specification.

The attached 3.x to 4.0 Transition Guide will help you move your application to the 4.0 API. 

If you are transitioning to a more current release of 4.x or above, please refer to the individual transition guides available in the Documents section of the RTI customer portal. For example, there is a guide that explains the minor changes needed when transitioning from RTI Data Distribution Service 4.1e to 4.2e.