reception timestamp

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Last seen: 3 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 04/19/2018
Posts: 4
Timestamp Submessage

I am debugging a network issue on a system running Connext 5.3.1.  My tcpdump contains several million messages.  I am trying to calculate from data available in tcpdump the time difference between the source timestamp and the reception timestamp.  I understand that the first data available in the 0x09 INFO_TS submessages of a message.  As an example, I have the following snippet from tcpdump:

0x0030:  0901 0800 e9f2 b766 c4b7 3ea0 1505 5c00

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Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 08/13/2014
Posts: 55
Strict Reliable and DestinationOrder QoS


I have a test scenario where I start my Connext application (v. 5.2), publish some messages between one subscriber and one publisher (within the same participant). Publisher and subscriber application are running on different computers in my local network.

My QoS values for the subscriber and publisher were set for strict reliability and with a DestinationOrder of ReceptionTimestamp given below:

Subscribe to RSS - reception timestamp