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Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 05/18/2018
Posts: 6
Keyed topic - data writer blocks when samples for multiple instances are published parallel

I' m trying to implement a strict reliable data stream based on keyed topic. On the topic multiple instances should transfer samples in parallel. So that each instance can be seen as separate data stream.

The idea of using a keyed topic to implement independent streams is based on the VideoStreaming example.

The data type is defined by the following IDL file:

struct Data {
string uid; //@key
unsigned long long size;
unsigned long long error;
unsigned long long packageNumber;
string testData;


StreamCoCo: A DSL for Processing Data-Centric Streams for Industrial IoT Edge Applications

We report our experience of developing and using a simple yet an effective flow-based programming language and its distributed execution engine for detecting behavioral anomalies in physical assets in industrial IoT systems. Our stream processing systems is built using the Reactive Extensions (Rx) library for composing asynchronous data streams and the OMG Data Distribution Service (DDS) for publish-subscribe communication over the network.

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