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RTI DDS can not visulize data

Dear everyone,


Recently, our DDS RTI cannot visualize data. The relevant topics are shown in the panel but there is no data. I'd like to consult that do you know what is happening ? is there any configuration that I need to make ?


The screenshot is shown below:

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Posts: 44
What separates DDS from other publish-subscribe middleware?


Very quick question:

What separates DDS from other publish-subscribe middleware? What makes it unique from other publish-subscribe middleware?



DDS Security concepts for SROS

Tutorial / formal introduction to SROS2 for roboticists as an effort towards advancing the state of security in the robotics community. This was prsented at IROS 2018.

The tutorial introduces DDS Security and how it is used to implement Secure ROS (SROS).



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What protocol did DDS use before RTPS came about?


The first 3 versions of the DDS specification were released in 2004, 2005, and 2006 respectively. Version 2.0 of RTPS was released in 2008:

DDS OMG Specification Versions:

1.0: Dec 2004
1.1: Dec 2005
1.2: Dec 2006
1.4: Mar 2015

RTPS OMG Specification Versions:

2.0: April 2008
2.1: Nov 2010
2.2: Sep 2014
2.3: May 2019
2.5: Apr 2022

Currently, we have been working with SDN OpenDaylight instances that control different autonomous systems. We have managed to synchronize them by replicating each network's data to the other controller. In this way, both instances are able to provide backup functionalities between them which is an important characteristic in order to improve the network response time in cases of emergency in 5G Networks. 

We deploy two types of controllers which use the DDS to exchange network information as shown in the figure.

The Global Controllers (GCs) communicate with each other to keep a consistent network state and establish inter-domain flow routes. In the same way, the Area Controllers (ACs) update their GCs when a change in their topology occurs. Similarly, the GCs inform their ACs when there is a change in the global topology that can affect the communication among the nodes under the control of different ACs. Furthermore, the use of the DDS allows a stronger performance during the recovery stages because the GCs share their network information with each other. Thus, if any problem arises with a GC operation, its functions are assumed by another GC.

The testbed architecture is composed of two GCs, each of which manages two ACs. The GCs are physically distributed in Granada (University of Granada, UGR) and Barcelona (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC). Similarly, their ACs are placed in these locations, and they can only communicate with their GCs. Thus, we have two SDN domains. The blue dashed line represents the DDS connections over RedIRIS as shown in the following picture.

The GCs were configured to support communication over Wide Area Network (WAN). In this way, the GCs can exchange network information and discover other GCs through DDS. The ACs were also configured to support communication over WAN in case their GCs are geographically distant in another SDN domain. However, the first principle was to use private LAN to communicate with controllers in the same SDN domain.

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Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
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error message running connext rti 6.0.1 on QNX

When running ros2 on QNX with rmw_connext_cpp I get the following error message:


ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker

Error message:

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Is There a Benchmarking Tool That Tests the Performance of Multiple DDS Products As Well As RTI

Hi there,

I am a current PhD student working on "Experimental and Model-based Evaluation of DDS Performance and Security". As part of my research I am looking for a benchmarking tool that would allow me to performance test multiple DDS products such as Vortex OpenSplice and OpenDDS. I have experience performance testing using RTI's PerfTest application and would like to compare the results with other DDS products.

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rti_dds license


I checked in windows10. ( rti_license.dat)

How to apply rti_license on VxWorks??



version : VxWorks 7

Using IDE : Wind River Workbench 4.6.3



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Does RTI Connext DDS support Hololens 1or2 development?


I want to know if RTI DDS support any form of development for Microsoft AR goggles Hololens 1 or Hololens 2?

Is it possible that I can build the application with Unity in C#, and is able to deploy into Hololens?

My goal is to use AR goggle as a platform to run subscriber to catch the information from computer, through the wireless connection ability of Hololens. But the internet gives no such result for this question.

If there are indeed some methods to achievement this, do I need a license? Do I need to use another dedicated library?


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