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Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Joined: 11/11/2024
Posts: 3
Recording Service Converter Application Timing


I am trying to write an application for Recording Service Converter in C++ (although my question is language agnostic). 

In the ServiceAsLib examples,, the embedded_service calls start(), waits, and then calls stop().

Design and Implementation of Robot Middleware Service Integration Framework Based on DDS

The distributed real-time system composed of industrial robots usually needs to meet the support of low-latency, high-reliability data transmission and service invocation. Based on the Data Distribution Service (DDS) publish-subscribe communication paradigm, this paper designs a service integration framework model called Dynamic-DDS-RPC with a request-response mechanism to achieve low-latency and flexible configuration of the robot service remote procedure call function.

Publication Year: 

Simulink Implementation of the Data Distribution Service for Vehicular Controllers on Top of GBE and AFDX

Vehicular networks have seen major changes in the past few years in order to offer reliable and real-time capable high-speed data transmission between electrical and mechatronic components to map current and future innovative functions into distributed systems within automotive applications. In the same context, the real-time middleware data distribution service (DDS) is an appropriate alternative for the standard vehicular middleware considering that it handles quality of service (QoS) parameters including real-time ones.

Publication Year: 

ROS 2: Why are there so many Topics?

ROS 2 is designed as an everything-included framework for robotics. It generally maintains alignment with the architecture and philosophy of the original ROS.

Carried-over from ROS to ROS 2 was its topic naming convention, and the inclusion of the 'Parameter' system for every application.
These two details work together to create large numbers of 'parameter' topics, even in systems that do not use the ROS 2 parameter feature.
Here's how that happens:

ROS 2: What is DDS

What is ROS 2?

ROS 2, or Robot Operating System 2, is an open-source framework designed to simplify the development of robot software. It builds upon the concepts introduced in the original ROS but incorporates several key improvements:

  • Real-Time Capabilities: ROS 2 has improved support for multi-threading and asynchronous operations, which is crucial for applications requiring timely and predictable responses.

ROS 2 and Connext DDS

Welcome ROS 2 Users 

This page will help you get the most from the easy-to-use ROS 2 ecosystem of robotics tools and packages, and the power and performance of RTI Connext DDS.

If you're new to ROS or DDS:

If you're using ROS 2 and are interested in RTI Connext:

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Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
Joined: 06/13/2020
Posts: 5
RTI DDS can not visulize data

Dear everyone,


Recently, our DDS RTI cannot visualize data. The relevant topics are shown in the panel but there is no data. I'd like to consult that do you know what is happening ? is there any configuration that I need to make ?


The screenshot is shown below:

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Last seen: 1 month 3 weeks ago
Joined: 02/15/2019
Posts: 44
What separates DDS from other publish-subscribe middleware?


Very quick question:

What separates DDS from other publish-subscribe middleware? What makes it unique from other publish-subscribe middleware?



DDS Security concepts for SROS

Tutorial / formal introduction to SROS2 for roboticists as an effort towards advancing the state of security in the robotics community. This was prsented at IROS 2018.

The tutorial introduces DDS Security and how it is used to implement Secure ROS (SROS).



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