
ROS 2: Why are there so many Topics?

ROS 2 is designed as an everything-included framework for robotics. It generally maintains alignment with the architecture and philosophy of the original ROS.

Carried-over from ROS to ROS 2 was its topic naming convention, and the inclusion of the 'Parameter' system for every application.
These two details work together to create large numbers of 'parameter' topics, even in systems that do not use the ROS 2 parameter feature.
Here's how that happens:

ROS 2: RTI Tools Overview

RTI's specialized tools for DDS give you vastly increased visibility into your system, which saves time and improves the outcome.

As an example, consider a ROS 2 system running a simple "Hello World!" pub/sub pair, using the default ROS 2 demo_nodes_cpp package and the 'talker' and 'listener' applications.

ROS 2 command-line tools will show you 3 topics in this system:

ROS 2: Why Use Connext

This will depend on the needs of the project, both during development and in long-term deployment:

ROS 2: What is DDS

What is ROS 2?

ROS 2, or Robot Operating System 2, is an open-source framework designed to simplify the development of robot software. It builds upon the concepts introduced in the original ROS but incorporates several key improvements:

  • Real-Time Capabilities: ROS 2 has improved support for multi-threading and asynchronous operations, which is crucial for applications requiring timely and predictable responses.

ROS 2 and Connext DDS

Welcome ROS 2 Users 

This page will help you get the most from the easy-to-use ROS 2 ecosystem of robotics tools and packages, and the power and performance of RTI Connext DDS.

If you're new to ROS or DDS:

If you're using ROS 2 and are interested in RTI Connext:

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ROS2 Subscriber to DDS publisher


I'm trying to interface a ROS2 subscriber with a DDS publisher. To keep things simple, I'm starting with using a built-in message type from ROS2: trajectory_msgs/msg/JointTrajectory

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error message running connext rti 6.0.1 on QNX

When running ros2 on QNX with rmw_connext_cpp I get the following error message:


ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker

Error message:

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ROS2 Action over Routing service


i want to route certian topics from a docker network to an outside server, which shall perform a task. For that Ros2 has designed an action, wich i want to use,

For testing (avoiding building an docker image for each new try) i build up a test network with 3 different virtual machines:

VM A: Host Only Network (
VM B: Host Only Network (
VM Router: Two Host Only Networks ( AND which is the connection of the two networks.

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Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
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Publishing ConnextStaticSerializedData type object through RTI Connector

I am interfacing `ROS2` with native `RTI DDS Connector` for python where I am publishing messages in RTI connector and subscribing in ROS2.

I am trying to publish a ConnextStaticSerializedData type message, but encountered an issue where transport info do not match:


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Posts: 12
rti DDS 5.3.1 and ROS2 eloquent, topic not received

I want to get a native rti DDS 5.3.1 application running with ROS2 eloquent. For this, I have written a plugin for the rti routing service and set it up to convert messages from native DDS topic to ROS2 eloquent topics.

According to the rtiadminconsole everyting seems fine. The Match Analyses has no complains and I can subscribe and receive the ROS2 topic within the rtiadminconsole. However, in the ROS2 subscriber the subscriber callback method is never called.

How can I further investiagte this issue?

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