routing service

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Responding to liveliness changes when using Routing Service


I am trying to understand how (and where?) to receive changes to the liveliness for our routes when using the Routing Service.

We can exchange data between our routes without any problems, however, if kill either side of the route (e.g. exit the application that is providing the input to a route) the plugin does not receive any notification that the publisher or subscriber has gone.

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Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: 04/26/2021
Posts: 3
Routing Service Durability Disconnect

I have two legacy systems, both on different domains.  Eventually, I will need to send messages between the two domains.  For now, I am using a simple "Hello World" example but starting the DataWriter and DataReader on different domains, on the same Linux workstation.  In between, I have the routing service, directing the publisher's topic to the subscriber's domain and topic.  For QoS, I have StrictReliability selected but with the default VOLATILE durability.  This setup works fine except for the fact that the discovery / connection process takes up to 10 seconds

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Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 01/29/2021
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ROS2 Action over Routing service


i want to route certian topics from a docker network to an outside server, which shall perform a task. For that Ros2 has designed an action, wich i want to use,

For testing (avoiding building an docker image for each new try) i build up a test network with 3 different virtual machines:

VM A: Host Only Network (
VM B: Host Only Network (
VM Router: Two Host Only Networks ( AND which is the connection of the two networks.

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Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
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Posts: 25
Routing Service between domain with Different DataTypes

I have two applications runing DDS on different domain, 0 & 1. Both have different topics with different DataTypes. I want to route specific topics from Domain 1 to 0. When I tried this, I would get error stating "Incompatible offered QoS on DataWriter assocated with topic. Is it possible and how do I using the routing service for this? 

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Jacob Henry's picture
Last seen: 1 year 3 weeks ago
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Routing Service Library Create Entity


I am trying to use the java api for the rti routing service. I have successfully got the route running with the initial configuration file, but I need more information on how to use the createEntity and deleteEntity methods.

The following is my initial XML file which loads successfully and routing begins:


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Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
Joined: 04/03/2018
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Explicitly Deny Messages

Using RTI Routing Services, how can I explicity deny messages or shapes from a domain and or partition in a domain?



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Last seen: 6 years 11 months ago
Joined: 08/24/2016
Posts: 11
Error while running routing service

Hi everyone,

My name is Chane. I have a problems when I am trying to run routing service example (Java) on RTI Routing Service User’s Manual Version 5.2.3 (Chapter 8) and the error message as shown below.

If anyone has any experience with this topic, please suggest me. I would greatly appreciate for your help.

Kind regards,


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Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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Routing Service over WAN using UDP - possible?


Is it possible to use the DDS Routing Service to route data over WAN using UDP? We need to route real time control data and TCP is not well suited to pass the data in our application. Is there a way to configure the routing service to use UDP?

Thank you

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Last seen: 2 years 9 months ago
Joined: 09/11/2014
Posts: 6
Protocol of the RTI-DDS Routing service

Dear All,

When we make use of the RTI-DDS routing service we are often asked by our IT-security: What is the higher level protocol (above TCP).

I know DDS in local networks is RTPS2 via UDP. But what is it exactly if we use the routing service via TCP over a single port? 

Thank you in advance & best regards,


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Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
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Posts: 2
Routing Service Manual Liveliness


A simplified setup of our system is below:

Subsystem 1 (domain 0) --> Routing Service --> Rest of system (using Manual liveliness QoS settings, domain 1)

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