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Connext 7.4 EAR is now available for download

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Make interval (time space) between sending discovery packets in unicast discovery

Hi. I use connext dds version6.

I use unicast domain participant discovery.

I realized that sending too many discovery packets  ( to any other domain paticipant in the network)  without any delay between them, makes effect on sending other packets and makes my network inefficient.

I want to make about 10ms time space between sending discovery packet. Is there any normal solution to do that? Is there any qos related to that?

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Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Isolation DDS on a Local Network

Hi. I have a question regarding the potential ability to isolate datawriters and readers on a local network. I work in an environment where the pplication we develop uses 4 constant domain ids. However, all the computers in our lab are on a local network. If someone runs the application on one computer, every other computer is also getting that same DDS traffic. Is there any way to isolate each computer, besides changing the domain id, through perhaps the QoS settings?

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Last seen: 2 years 9 months ago
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RTI Unreal can't read data


We are currently making a plugin for unreal engine 4.27 in C++ that would be able to read DDS Data, at the moment we are developping the managers to handle multiple writers on one topic.
We encountered a problem where a publisher uses rti 4.5 while we use 6.1.0 and publishes the following topic : 

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Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Topics, identified by name, transported on specific multicast groups.

I’m hoping someone will be able to give me a bit of advice.
In code I’m trying to set up a QoS policy that sets specific topic names to be transported on particular multicast groups. For example, Topic1 is transported on and topic2 on
I’d like to be able to define common code that generates a policy that includes the multicast group to topic names for a number of topics to allow us to do a bit of code reuse.
From doing a bit of reading online it looks like it can be done but I’m just not entirely sure how.

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nads.uiowa.edu's picture
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problem using get_default_library()

Hi all,

I'm trying to verify default libraries and profiles in DDS 6.0.1. I started working with the c++\hello_idl example in VS2017.

I added an else clause to hello.cxx to print out the default library like this:


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Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
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Can we specify SO_REUSEADDR or SO_REUSEPORT options using QOS?

We are running into a problem when our application attempts to open a socket on a specific port for receiving UDP blocks when that port was already given to and is in use by RTI.  We only use the UDPv4 transport option, so when RTI/DDS Software launches it will request 3 ephemeral ports from the OS (VxWorks/RHEL) for DDS communications for the send sockets.  The default configuration that VxWorks uses for these ports is a pool between 49152 and 65535.   There is a small chance that these port numbers will collide with ones that should be reserved for our application, whi

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Problems with loading xml file for QOS

I am new to RTI DDS and I am having issues with the xml file defined in the NDDS_QOS_PROFILES environment variable. I have defined this environment variable to point to my xml file. However when I run my application and try to do the following, my participaint doesn't get created.

(using c++11)

In my application, I have read in the environment variable and outputted this in my log to verify there were no issues with that.

I have also invalidated the <dds> tag in my xml file, but haven't seen any error message.

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Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
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unable to find topic_qos and more from Qos_Profile in xml file

Hi currently i am trying out RTI Connext and i encounter a problem when i try to use an QoS file which was used for the ADLINK's Opensplice implementation. 

I added the qos_library is should, but it still can't find the sub elements past the qos_profile.

this is a snippet of my QoS.xml file.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<qos_library name="TestLibrary">
<qos_profile name="TestProfile" >

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