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How to reference module types in an XML file?

I'm writing an application that uses the RTI Connector for Javascript. I have an XML file that I converted from an IDL by running rtiddsgen.

In my XML file, the types definition looks like this:


<module name="Example">


<struct name= "busB" extensibility= "final" nested="true">


<member name="nestedInsideBusB" type="nonBasic" nonBasicTypeName= "Example::BusC"/>


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Reading Admin topic in python or traditional C++

I'm trying to make the python code work with the RTI Remote Administration interface. Python module requires XML type representation. A regular RTI release comes with the IDL type for the Remote Platform (inside rti_connext_dds-6.0.1/resource/idl/). The ServiceAdmin.idl has these types:

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Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Separate definitions of domainParticipants/qosProfiles into 2 XML files

Hi, I'm in the process of porting some existing code from 6.0.1 C++ API to 6.1 C# API.
I've looked through the example project that rtiddsgen 3.1 generates for dotnet5 to get a hang of things, but I'm currently stuck at trying to load 2 separate XML files. One defines the domain participants, while the other defines QOS profiles.

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Generating StructType from XML

Modern C++

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Last seen: 4 years 12 months ago
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unable to find topic_qos and more from Qos_Profile in xml file

Hi currently i am trying out RTI Connext and i encounter a problem when i try to use an QoS file which was used for the ADLINK's Opensplice implementation. 

I added the qos_library is should, but it still can't find the sub elements past the qos_profile.

this is a snippet of my QoS.xml file.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<qos_library name="TestLibrary">
<qos_profile name="TestProfile" >

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Can't reference an xml into the xml used by recording service



I generated my xml files from my idl's and stored them in a folder called xml. This folder lives in the same directory as my MY_RECORDING_SERVICE.xml. It looks like this








Inside my MY_RECORDING_SERVICE.xml I'm including these xml generated as follow: 


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Modern C++ Equivalent of DDSDomainParticipantFactory


I'm trying to create a new DDSDomainParticipant using an input XML QoS profile.

In C++ we have the function 

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Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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create typecode from xml error processing tag "include"

I am trying to use the .NET create_tc_from_xml_file class to generate type codes from XML and I receive the following error in the console: 

RTIXMLParser_onStartTag:Parse error at line 3: Error processing tag 'include'
RTIXMLParser_parseFromFile:Parse error in file 'C:\XMLDataStruct\thisModule.xml'
DDS_XMLTypeCodeParser_parse_from_file:Error parsing XML
DDS_TypeCodeFactory_create_tc_from_xml_file:!error parsing types file

The XML files were generated from IDL using rtiddsgen, and the includes are at the top of the XML:

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USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml not found


I can only use my custom USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml file if the environment variable NDDS_QOS_PROFILES is set.  If I place the USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml in the same diretory and my executable and launch the executable in that same directory, then the USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml is not read.

I'm using RHEL7 on an x64 platform.  I"m using the RTI v5.3.1 whih I just downloaded last week.

Why is this not working? I did not find any other situations similar to mine.


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Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
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Posts: 9
DynamicData to JSON/XML w/ Modern C++ API


I'd like to serialize a DynamicData sample to JSON/XML using the Modern C++ APIs.

I realize there are internal APIs:  DDS_DynamicDataFormatter_to_xml and DDS_DynamicDataFormatter_to_json.  But, these APIs seem to take DDS_DynamicData types as arguments.  Is there an equivalent API for the Modern C++ DynamicData type ?  Thanks!

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