Forward declaration of WaitSet in C++

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Reureu's picture
Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
Joined: 11/28/2017
Posts: 4
Forward declaration of WaitSet in C++


I'm using Connext DDS Pro 5.3.0 with VS 2015/2017.

my C++ code uses dds::core::cond::WaitSetin various places.

I'm cleaning up the include directives, and I have just realized that there is no forward declaration of dds::core::cond::WaitSetin your SDK.

I would expect to find it in  <dds/core/corefwd.hpp>but this file does not contain any forward declaration of WaitSet.

In this file, the only fwd declaration in the cond namespace is

namespace cond


    typedef dds::core::cond::detail::Condition Condition;


Why is WaitSet not declared in there?

Would you mind adding this declaration in dds/core/corefwd.hpp? Or is there a good reason not to put it in this file?

I can obviously add it to my user code, but it would be very convenient to have it in your SDK.

Kind regards,


Reureu's picture
Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
Joined: 11/28/2017
Posts: 4

I suppose we could push the reasoning even further and change rtiddsgen so that it creates a fwd file for the forward declaration of generated types.

Does someone have any advice on that?

Kind regards,
