C# Connector connection error

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Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
Joined: 11/24/2019
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C# Connector connection error

Hello everyone,

I have an XML configuration file where I define my own data type.
I created a Publisher using the standard RTI C # API and Publisher can successfully send data through this file. But when I try to subscribe to this data using C# Connector, I get this error in command line:


RTIXMLObject_addChild: XML object with name '::qosLibrary::DefaultProfile' already exists
RTIXMLParser_onStartTag:Parse error at line 10: XML object could not be added to the DOM
RTIXMLParser_parseFromFile_ex:Parse error in file 'USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml'
DDS_XMLParser_parse_from_file:Error parsing file
DDS_QosProvider_load_profiles_from_urlI:ERROR: loading profiles file 'USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml'
DDS_QosProvider_load_profiles_from_url_groupI:ERROR: loading profiles
DDS_QosProvider_load_profiles_from_url_sequenceI:ERROR: loading profiles
DDS_QosProvider_load_profiles_from_policyI:ERROR: loading profiles
DDS_QosProvider_load_profilesI:ERROR: loading profiles
DDS_DomainParticipantFactory_load_profilesI:!load profiles
RTIDDSConnector_newI:!new set factory qos


As I said, Publisher and Subscriber run as separate programs and Publisher works without errors, but there is an error on the Subscriber side created with C# Connector.

How can I fix this error?


File user_qos_profiles.xml3.38 KB
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 04/02/2013
Posts: 196

It looks like you're defining "DefaultProfile" twice: in your Connector file and in USER_QOS_PROFILES.XML