RTI connext dds 6.1 for Windows launch Java Exception occurred

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Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: 03/01/2021
Posts: 4
RTI connext dds 6.1 for Windows launch Java Exception occurred


       I've just installed connext 6.1 for Windows, after installation successfully and start the RTI Launcher an error prompt of Java Exception appears:


      I've tried to uninstall and reinstall agian, but same errors.

     Could anybody help me out.

     Many thanks and appreciated in advance.



Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 11/23/2016
Posts: 6


RTI Launcher generates some log files each time that is run that can give us more information about the error that you are having. Since you are using Windows the log files should be located under <your Windows documents folder>\rti_workspace\6.1.0\user_config\launcher\logs, they should give you and us more information about the Java Exception. Can you attach one of the log files here so we can take a look at them?


Ting's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: 03/01/2021
Posts: 4

Hi Valentin,

Thanks for your kind reply.

I've checked out the workspace launcher folder, unfortunately there are no log files existing...

BTW, RTI 6.0.1 works fine in the same PC.

Best Regards,


Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 11/23/2016
Posts: 6

Hi Ting,

Appologize for taking so long to reply you but I've been on vacation until today. Thanks for sharing the screenshot with me, since there is no logs folder in your workspace that means that Launcher hasn't been executed. Based on that I think your problem is that Launcher is being run with Java 8 and not Java 11, could you try the following to see if my theory is correct?

Go to your installation directory and modify the bin\rtilauncher.bat file to print the value of the JREHOME variable, echo %JREHOME%, something like the following:

And then run the script from a command line, if my theory is correct the value printed in your terminal should point to the 6.0.1 installation directory instead of the 6.1.0:

If that's the case you need to remove the JREHOME from your environment variable, by removing it the script will select the JRE that is provided within 6.1.0 instead of the old version.

Let me know if this helps.
