
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 5.2.3 and before. Starting with Connext DDS 5.3.0 (also in 5.2.7) the number of locators that can be announced by a DomainParticipant increased from 4 to 16. However, older versions (5.2.3 or lower) only allow 4 locators to be announced as part of the Participant ...
2371 reads — 0 comments
In RTI Connext DDS 6.0.0, the RTPS version has been changed to 2.3. This RTPS version is propagated during the discovery process and is verified by the receiving Connext DDS or Connext DDS Micro application to verify compatibility. In Connext DDS Micro 2.4.11 and earlier, this check is hard-coded ...
43922 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 5.2.0 and above. The following error: PRESParticipant_checkTransportInfoMatching:Warning: discovered remote participant 'yyyyy' using the 'shmem' transport with class ID 2. This class ID does not match the class ID 16777216 of the same transport in the local participant ...
60539 reads — 7 comments
When you use an RTI Data Distribution Service 4.4b XML QoS profiles file with 4.3e or 4.4a, you may see the following error: RTIXMLParser_onStartTag:Parse error at line 13: Unexpected attribute 'xmlns:xsi' RTIXMLParser_parseFromFile:error parsing XML file DDS_XMLParser_parse_from_file:Error parsing ...
4646 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Data Distribution Service 4.2 and 4.3 RTI Data Distribution Service 4.2 and 4.3 applications and tools are interoperable, with the following caveats. To monitor a 4.2 application with 4.3 tools: If your 4.2 application's data types do not contain any 8-byte or larger primitive ...
2675 reads — 0 comments
Note : Applies to NDDS 3.x and RTI Connext 4.x and above. NDDS 3.x and RTI Connext 4.x (and above) are not wire-protocol compatible. Applications built with these 2 products cannot communicate with each other. The attached 3.x to 4.0 Transition Guide will help you move your application to the 4.0 ...
2749 reads — 0 comments
Note: The ports used are different between RTI Connext 4.x and NDDS 3.x. RTI Connext The built-in UDP transport in RTI Connext 4.x and above uses port numbers that are based on the domain ID and participant ID. Because the RTPS spec changed, the mapping is different before and after Version 4.2 of ...
44353 reads — 4 comments
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